Wayne State University
Screening and Robotics Services


MPC@WSU Biomek FX Robot

  • 96-channel pipetting head – holds 200 µl tips. Used to replicate 96-well or 384-well plates, set up PCR and other reactions, combine and mix reagents, manipulate reagents for DNA and other preps.
  • 96-channel tip washing station – allows tips to be washed for re-use, usually after autoclaving.
  • Qiagen vacuum manifold station – for 96-well DNA preps.
  • Stacker carousel – holds 40 tip boxes or plates.

Liquid Handling Robotics Services

Charges will be by the hour plus labware. Labware must be obtained from the MPC at cost to ensure compatibility with the robot. As we purchase most labware in bulk, this arrangement will be generally be cheaper for the client.

All services will charge 1 hour for “Consulting, estimate, and set up” work, which would not be charged if subsequent work is not done. This hour is essentially the minimal charge for any service. Clients will need to submit a brief description of the procedure needed, or meet with the robotics technician to discuss the procedure. MPC will then provide an estimate for the service. Set up of a particular method may take 1-2 hrs., depending on the labware used and complexity of the method; running time per method will vary, but most procedures take between 1 and 3 hours.

    Available Procedures:
  1. 96-well replicating, aliquoting, combining, mixing
    • Replicating 96-well plates (bacterial/yeast cultures/libraries, DNA libraries, etc.)
    • Reagent/Media delivery/transfer using most standard-footprint labware
    • Mixing/combining/aliquoting of reagents
    Example 1.
    Amplification of an existing yeast/bacterial library:
    Client provides a number of 96-well plates that make up a particular library; we amplify each of the plates a specified number of times, in specific volume/labware.
    Time: ~100 plates/hour (plus 1 hour set up)

    Example 2.
    Aliquoting reagents/cell suspensions into 96-well plates and combining with a second reagent: Client provides volumes of particular reagents/cell suspensions; we aliquot them and combine, as per clients requirements, in 69-well format.
    Time: ~30 plates/hour (plus 1 hour set up)
    Re-array of 96-well plates as specified by clients file (.xls, .csv)
    • From one or more 96-well plates to one or more 96-well plates
    • Variable labware format for origin/destination labware
    Example 1.
    Client provides a single/series of 96-well plate(s), and a data file (.xls, .csv), specifying how samples are to be rearrayed; we carry out rearray, and amplifications of each plate, if required.
    Time: depends on size of file and number of plates; an “average” rearray (6 plates to a final 2) takes 1 hr/rearray.
    Plasmid purification using TurboFilter 96 and QIAprep 96 plates (QIAGEN)
    • Start with 96-well bacterial/yeast cultures
    • Produce plasmid DNA in 96-well plates
    • Run all plasmid preps on an agarose gel

    PCR clean-up using QIAquick Multiwell plates (QIAGEN)
    • Start with 96-well PCR reactions
    • Produce clean PCR products in 96-well plates

    Other procedures:
    Inoculation of yeast/bacterial cells onto agar media (From 96-well plates to 6-, 12-, 24-well plates or Omni trays)

Labware Charge:

For general liquid handling service, labware cost will depend on the number of items used for the procedures/methods performed, and will reflect the bulk discount cost of the MPC lab.

Laboratory Item Description $/96-well
Aluminum plate sealers Seals for 96-well plates $0.40
BioDot 96 deep well plate Polypropylene $3.40
Cluster tube rack (Corning) 96x1.2 ml tubes in microplate format $7.70
Filter plate 96 Polystyrene, 0.45um $13.80
High throughput library storage plate Polypropylene, "PIM" plate $1.65
Microseal 'B' adhesive seals Microplate adhesive seals for PCR $1.30
Microseal skirted microplates propylene, 96-well skirted, PCR $3.40
OmniTray styrene, large square single-well agar plate $1.01
PCR plate, Dot 96-well, unskirted PCR $2.50
Petri plates Round, 100mm $21.12
Pipette tips, 1000µL Redi-Tip general-purpose tips, 1000µL $4.32
Pipette tips, 200µL SureGrip reload system, 200 µL $2.85
Sephadex G-100 DNA Grade $7.55
Six-well tissue culture plate (Corning) Polystyrene, sterile $1.59