Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics
Wayne State University School of Medicine
540 E. Canfield
Detroit, MI 48201



- Nermin Gerges, MBG Graduate Student. Cyclins. nermin.gerges(at)wayne.edu
- Paul Albosta, MBG Graduate Student. Drosophila Cyclin J. palbosta(at)med.wayne.edu
- Thilakam Murali, Ph.D., 2013. Bioinformatics; DroID development. au2033(at)wayne.edu
- Phillip Selman, M.S., 2013. BMB Program. Cyclin J. pselman(at)med.wayne.edu
- Dumrong Mairiang, Ph.D., 2012. MBG Program. Dengue-host protein networks
- Dongmei Liu, Ph.D., 2010. MBG Program. Drosophila Cyclin Y
Govindaraja Atikukke, Ph.D., 2009. BMB Program. Drosophila Cyclin J
Bernie Mangiola, M.S. 2008. MBG Program. High throughput screening & robotics
Aleric Soans, M. S., 2007. MBG Program. Peptide aptamers; high throughput screening.
Svetlana Pacifico, M.S., 2006. Computer Science. Informatics and Java programming
Jinhui (Julie) Zhong, Ph.D., 2003. MBG Program. High throughput yeast two-hybrid strategies
Nishi Patel, B.S., M.S. 2002. Biology. Drosophila protein interaction maps; cyclin J
Fonfara, M.S. 2000. MBG Program. Technology for generating interaciton mutants
Mikhail G.
Kolonin, Ph.D., 2000. MBG Program. Drosophila Cyclin J in embryogenesis and peptide aptamer technology. Current Address: University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center mkolonin(at)mail.mdanderson.org.
Past Postdoctoral Fellows
Maria Cypher, Ph.D. Research Associate.
Kyle Gardenour, Ph.D. Research Associate.
- Stephen Guest, Ph.D., Research Associate. RNAi screens; genetic interactions.
- Keith Gulyas, Ph.D. ( 1963 - 2007 ) Research Associate.
Anton-Scott Goustin, Ph.D. Research Associate.
Tom Limjindaporn, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow
Gouzhen Liu, Ph.D. Research Associate.
Jiayou Liu, Ph.D. Research Associate.
Jodi Parrish, Ph.D. Research Scientist.Protein interaction maps; bacterial pathogens
- George Roberst III, Ph.D. Research Associate, E-mail: groberts0429(at)gmail.com
Clem Stanyon, Ph.D. Research Associate
Weili Zhou, M.D. Research Associate (Postdoctoral fellow)
Jingkai Yu, Ph.D. Research Associate. Computational biology and bioinformatics; gene networks
- Huamei Zhang, Research Assistant. Lab Manager (1999-2011). Protein interaction technologies.
- Ali Bazzy, Research Technician - Entered Medical School
- Julie Hines, Research Assistant.
- Eugenius SBC Ang, Research Assistant - entered a Ph.D. program at Yale
- Mary Bolin (Mangum), Graduate Student
- Tamara Brazova, Research Assistant
- Irene Broner, Research Assistant
- Divya Chandran, M.S. 2006. Biology.
- Michael White, Research Assistant
- Josef Cadwell, Undergraduate, Biology Department
- Dayna Testori, Graduate Student, MBG, Fall 2009
- Raymond
Esper, Graduate Student, MBG, Fall 1999
- Amruta Jambekar, Graduate Student, BMB, Winter 2008
- Rami Khoury, Graduate Student, MBG
- Suzhao Li, Graduate Student, BMB, Winter 2002
- Amelia Quayle, Graduate Student, MBG, Fall 2003
- Subhadra Ramanathan, Graduate Student, MBG, Spring 2000
- Ramaswamy Sharma, Graduate Student, MBG, Winter 2002
- Qing Sun, Graduate Student, Pathology
- Daochun Sun, Graduate Student, MBG, Fall 2006
- Lei Wang, Graduate Student, MBG, Winter 2002
- Xiaoju
Wang, Graduate Student, MBG, Winter 1997
- Jiajing Wang, Graduate Student, MBG, Winter 2007
- Zhan Yin (Patrick), Graduate Student, MBG, Fal 1998
- Sungpil Yoon, Graduate Student, MBG, Fall 1996
- Ke Zhou, Graduate Student, MBG, Fall 1998
- Zhonghui Xu, Graduate Student, MBG, Fall 2007
- Nermin Gerges, MBG Graduate Student, Roton Winter/Spring 2011
- Emily Wood, MBG Graduate Student, Roton Winter/Spring 2011
- Jacob Wingate, BMB Graduate Student, Roton Winter/Spring 2011
Summer Students and Undegraduates
- Linda Tiguert, Directed Study, Fall2017/Winter 2018, Wayne State University
- Manal Abulebdeh, Directed Study, Winter 2016-Winter 2018, Wayne State University
- Khalil El Dairi, Directed Study, Winter 2016-Winter 2018, Wayne State University
- Naseem Razoki, Directed Study, Fall 2015/Winter 2016, Wayne State University
- Ahmad Zunnu Rain, Directed Study, Fall 2015/Winter 2016, Wayne State University
- Hayley Spence (SURP), Summer 2015, Grand Valley State University
- Julie Nakamura, Summer 2015, Henry Ford College Biotechnology M.S. program
- Hayley Spence (SURP), Summer 2015, Grand Valley State University
- Rooshan Arshad, Summer 2015, Wayne State University
- Danish Khan, Summer 2015, Wayne State University
- Kevin Wattawa, Summer 2015, Wayne State University
- Alwin David (SURP), Summer 2014, Michigan State University
- Brittany Campbell (SURP), Summer 2012, University of Michigan
- Lubna Saqran, SURP, Summer 2011. Undergraduate at Mount Holyoke College, MA
- Ali Omari, Winter 2013, Wayne State University
- Ali Bazzy, 2009, Research Technician and Directed Study, Wayne State University
- Joshua Lumley, Summer 2009. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.
- Ryan Lumley, Summer 2009. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.
- Maria Kashat, Summer 2008, 2009, SURP, 2009 Directed Study, Wayne State University
- Zara Mogilevsky, Summer 2008, SURP. Barnard College
- Lindsey Brownell, Summer 2007. SURP. Davidson College
- Vikram Chawa, Summer 2005, SURP. Wayne State University
- Meghan Hurt, Summer 2004, 2005, SURP. Notre Dame
- Keyunna Castleberry, Summer 2002. Cass Tech. Detroit High School Apprenticeship Research Program.
- Michael Washburn, Summer 2002, SURP. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.
- Luke Mortensen, Summer 2002, SURP. University of Toledo.
- Kory Lavine, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, SURP. University of Rochester. MD/PhD program at Wash. U.
- Ari J. Firestone, Summer 2000, 2001, SURP. Carleton College. Ph.D. program at Stanford.
- Janelle Spratt, Summer 2001, SURP. University of Windsor.
- Suzanne
Pearson, Summer 1998, SURP. University of Guelph in Ontario.
- Tom
Sweder, Summer 1997. Entered M.D./Ph.D. program at the
University of Illinois in Chicago.
*SURP - CMMG Summer Un dergraduate Research Program
Antonio Baonza, Visiting student from Dr. A. Garcia-Bellidoís laboratory in Madrid.
Brent Passer, Ph.D., Dr. Visited while a Postdoctoral Fellow at the NIH. Constructed a yeast two-hybrid interaction library from human peripheral blood NK cells (see libraries).
Wenbo Xu, Ph.D. Former graduate Student in the laboratories of Drs. Michael Shy and John Kamholz. Constructed a yeast two-hybrid interaction library from rat sciatic nerve (see libraries); this was a record-breaking library in terms of the number of independent clones with inserts.
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