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Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics
Wayne State University School of Medicine
540 E. Canfield
Detroit, MI 48201


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Finley and Brent

Table 1. Activating and non-activating baits.

Bait Activation Color on X-Gal* Plasmid name Reference
LexA-Gal4 strong blue pSH17-4 S. Hanes, unpublished; Golemis and Brent, 1992
LexA-Fos strong blue VR1001 Lech et al., 1988; Golemis and Brent, 1992
LexA-Myc strong blue VR1004 Lech et al., 1988; Golemis and Brent, 1992
LexA- Cdi2 moderate light blue pRF202-Cdi2 Finley and Brent, 1994
LexA-HsCycC moderate light blue pJG28-2 J. Gyuris and R.B., unpublished
LexA-DmErk moderate light blue pEG202-ERK Zavitz, Zipursky, Finley, and Brent, unpublished
LexA-Mxi1 weak very light blue pLexA-Mxi1 Zervos et al., 1993
LexA-NF2 (N) weak very light blue pAR-NF2(N-term) A. Reymond and R.B, unpublished
LexA-DmCdi11 weak very light blue pRF202-Cdi11 Finley and Brent, 1994
LexA-BcdÆC none white pRFHM1 Gyuris et al., 1993
LexA-Max none white pLexA-Max Zervos et al., 1993
LexA-HsCdc2 none white pJG14-1 Gyuris et al., 1993

* As determined on typical fresh X-Gal galactose/raffinose plates in a diploid strain containing pSH18-34 (S.Hanes, unpublished), the sensitive LexAop-lacZ reporter plasmid (R. Finley, unpublished data).

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