Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics
Wayne State University School of Medicine
540 E. Canfield
Detroit, MI 48201
IM Browser Manual
Add interactions by loading queries.
IM Browser allows to save user's query actions. These actions may include successive searches to add/delete interactions to/from the graph. The saved actions can be loaded and rerun on the same database. When loading the saved action, IM Browser generates new SQL commands for saved search criteria's and runs them on the current data, the resulting graph, therefore, will reflect changes in the interaction tables.
Example: Add interactions from the saved queries.
First we have to save the queries.
- To start a new session, select from the main menu "Edit"-"Delete Graph".
- Add some interactions to the graph. You may use one or more examples from the previous chapters.
- Save the actions by selecting from the main menu "File"-"Save Queries".
Now you can load the saved queries.
- Select "File"-"Load Queries".
- Locate and select the file you just saved.
- IM Browser will rerun the saved in the file actions.