The program accepts two kinds of tables: interaction tables and look-up tables.
The interaction tables and the look-up tables each contain fields for uniquely specifying the gene or protein. For example, for the Drosophila Interactions Database we used the Flybase Gene Number (FBgn) from the Flybase database to uniquely identify each gene/protein, and pairs of FBgns to uniquely identify each interaction.
Tables for interaction data contain two fields that uniquely identify the two interacting genes or proteins. Interaction tables may also contain any number of additional fields, considered as interaction attributes. These attributes may include the type of experiment, the reference, and the various measured parameters for each interaction.
Each look-up table contains a field that uniquely identifies a node (gene or protein). Look-up tables may also contain any number of additional fields, considered as node attributes. The look-up tables may contain a field for a node label to be displayed on the graph, and a URL linking to an external database of gene/protein information. Look-up tables are optional. If they are included into the dataset, the users can build/filter/color the graph based on node attributes.