Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics
Wayne State University School of Medicine
540 E. Canfield
Detroit, MI 48201

IM Browser Manual
Add interactions by expanding nodes.
Another way to add interactions to the graph is by expanding nodes. Expanding can be done on one node or all the nodes in the graph at once. Before expanding nodes, the user can check the expected number of interactions. For an individual node the user has to select the node and in a pop-up menu select Number of Interactions. To check the number of expected interactions for all the nodes in the graph, the user selects View - Show Interactions per Node from the main menu. The number of interactions will appear in brackets next to a node label.
Example: Display number of interactions for a single node, expand the node.
Select a node of interest. (On instructions how to select node(s)/edge(s) and invoke the pop-up menu, please click here.)
Before expanding the node, you might want to check how many interactions the node has. To do so, select "Number of Interactions" in the pop-up menu.
IM Browser will display the dialog box similar to the one on the right.
To expand node, in the pop-up menu select "Expand Node".
IM Browser will prompt to select tables. Select tables from which you want interactions be added to the graph.
Example: Expand all nodes in the graph.
Before expanding the nodes, you might want to check how many interactions each node in the graph has. To do so, select View - Show Interactions per Node from the main menu. To remove the number of interactions select "Hide Interactions per Node".
The number of interactions will appear in brackets next to a node label.
To expand all the nodes in the graph select from main menu "Edit"-"Expand All".
If the graph contains a large number of nodes, it might take some time to calculate the number of interactions for all the nodes.